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Home  /  Procedures  /  Colonoscopy

The colonoscopy or lower endoscopy

Is performed with the use of an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube that is introduced through the anus that transmits digital images of the interior of the colon to a monitor. This procedure allows us to observe the interior of the large intestine or colon. Additionally, it is possible to obtain biopsies, or small samples of tissue, to be analyzed under the microscope for precise diagnosis of medical conditions.

When is a colonoscopy indicated?

A colonoscopy is generally indicated when any of the following conditions exist:

  • Anyone older than 45
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Blood in bowel movements
  • Anemia of unknown origins
  • Intentional search of colon cancer
  • Follow up in patients who have undergone surgery for colon cancer
  • In children of patients that have been diagnosed with colon cancer
  • Follow up in patients that have had polyps extracted

The colonoscopy is the most effective method for the detection of premalignant lesions of the colon called polyps. The timely detection of these lesions can help avoid the progression to colon cancer, and it’s the only method that has contributed to a direct decrease in the incidence of colon cancer.

The colonoscopy allows to have a direct visualization of diseases in the large intestine and to perform a great number of treatments without having to resort to surgery. Some of them include:


  • Control of lower digestive hemorrhage
  • Placement of prosthesis for narrowing of the colon
  • Dilation for narrowing of the colon
  • Removal of colon polyps
  • Coagulation with argon plasma
  • Radiated cuts in areas with severe narrowing
  • Endoscopic Submucosal Resection


How should one prepare for a colonoscopy?

The colon must be completely clean in order to guarantee a complete and safe colonoscopy. Before the procedure, the patient is indicated with a liquid diet for one or two days, in addition to a laxative on the days prior. The actual dosage will be indicated depending on the condition of the patient.


During the day of the study, the patient should wear comfortable clothing, adhere to complete fasting and should be accompanied by an adult. Any medications for high blood pressure, thyroid conditions, or to treat convulsions should be taken at 6am the morning of the study with a small amount of water. Other medications might be suspended earlier, depending on the physician’s judgement.


If the procedure is programmed to take place after 12pm, drinking water or tea is allowed until 8am, followed by a complete fasting.


The colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure in which the patient stays only briefly after the procedure for recovery and returns home later with special indications.


What are the advantages of undergoing a colonoscopy at the Center for Advanced Endoscopy?

We have innovative, state of the art technology. For the procedure we utilize advanced, high definition equipment that provides images with higher resolution than medical institutions that do not use them.


Additionally, our equipment uses digital coloring technology called Electronic Chromoendoscopy. This allows us to modify the color of gastric tissue in real time in order to identify subtitles lesions that may go unnoticed under normal circumstances, and highlight features of the digestive system like the microcirculation of blood in tissue. The use of Optical Magnification allows for a 130x zoom of images. When used simultaneously, Electronic Chromoendoscopy and Optical Magnification allow us to make highly precise, timely diagnosis of dangerous lesions, avoiding the development of malignant tissue. 

  1. Lesions in the rectum, viewed with a high definition, white light endoscope.

2. Same lesion, viewed with Electronic Chromoendoscopy

3. Now Optical Magnification has been added.

This patient was diagnosed with a low-grade dysplasia, normally categorized as a precursor to cancer.

This technology has placed us as pioneers at a national level in the diagnosis of precancerous lesions in the digestive system.